Installing Calends for C/C++

Binary Install

For use with C/C++, simply grab the latest version of libcalends from the GitHub Releases page, and extract its contents wherever your compiler expects to find .h and .so/.dll/.dylib files. Be sure to grab the correct version for your architecture!

Source Install

To install from source, you'll need Golang 1.9+ installed to use its compiler. Clone the repository, build libcalends, then copy the resulting .so/.dll/.dylib and .h files to wherever your C/C++ compiler expects to find them.

# Sample Linux steps:
mkdir -p $GOPATH/src/
cd $GOPATH/src/
git clone
cd calends/libcalends
go get ../...
go build -v -i -buildmode=c-shared -o

Adjust the above example commands as needed for your actual development OS.