Installing Calends for JS/WASM

For use with JS, use npm (or your preferred package manager):

.. code-block:: bash

   npm install -s calends

This will pull in the JS wrapper package as well as the corresponding WASM binary.

For use on the server, that's pretty much it. The library takes care of the rest.

For use on the web, you'll need to ensure the WASM is accessible to the server, next to the library itself. The easiest way to ensure this is to pull in calends.js directly via <script> tag, but if you use a package to compile/minify/etc your JS dependencies, you'll need to configure that package to include calends.wasm alongside your script(s). Here's an example for webpack:

.. code-block:: javascript

   const CopyPlugin = require("copy-webpack-plugin");

   // ...

   module.exports = {
      // ...
      plugins: [
         new CopyPlugin({
            patterns: [
               { from: "node_modules/calends/calends.wasm",
                  to: "[name][ext]" },

It's not clean, but until Go compiles compliant WASM binaries, it's the best we can do right now, since we can't use WebAssembly ESM Integration <> yet. Once it defines exports correctly, we can drop much of the JS wrapper and focus purely on translating bare functions into full classes exclusively.